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Crackdown Web Series Review, Release Date, Season 2 Updates

Crackdown web-series is an Indian spy-thriller series that is available for streaming on Voot. It features a diverse cast of characters listed below, and is directed by Apoorva Lakhia. This web-series is a web-debut for Apoorva Lakhia, has previously directed movies such as, Lagaan (2001), and Mission Istanbul (2008). This is a Crackdown webseries review that will discuss its plot; Hopefully, this review will be interesting, and give you some insight on the show, if you’re interested in watching it.

Crackdown Web-Series Release Date

The Crackdown web-series release date is 23rd September 2020. It is an Indian spy-thriller series that has its episodes available for streaming on Voot. 

Crackdown Web-series Cast

The Crackdown web-series cast features a diverse cast of actors including Saqib Saleem (playing the role of Riyaz Pathan), Shriya Pilgaonkar (playing the role of Divya, and Mariam), Mohammed Iqbal Khan (playing the role of Zorawar), Ankur Bhatia (playing the role of Tariq), Rajesh Tailang (playing the role of Ashvini Rao), Waluscha De Sousa (playing the role of Garima), Eklavi Khanna (playing the role of Seema), and Saba Saudagar (playing the role of Fawzia). The Indian spy-thriller series was created by Apoorva Lakhia.

Crackdown IMDb Rating

The Crackdown IMDb rating is 6.6/10. It has received positive reviews from the audience, and critics including Subhas K. Jha who has referred to the web-series as a “crackling espionage thriller”.

Crackdown web-series Plot

The show is centred on a conflict between RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) agents who are trying to uphold their national security, and terrorists threatening their nation. Riyaz Pathan is one of the chief agents who is determined to maintain his duties, and protect his nation. However, as the plot thickens, he begins to question his duties as a RAW agent, and his moral duties in service to the civilians of his nation. The question that builds the series’ tension, and plagues Riyaz Pathan is whether one’s morality should he overlooked for one’s duties.

Moreover, he has to deal with hostility from one of his colleagues, Zorawar. Zorawar is shown to despise Riyaz, and throughout the story, is seen conniving against him, and dragging him down through office politics. Apart from Zorawar, the series depicts the incompetence of certain other agents, and their prioritising office-politics over their duties, making them a liability during the mission. In the midst of these obstacles, along with some shocking plot-twists, the journey of these characters are engaging, and packed with drama, and thrill that will keep you entertained, and might bring you some shock!

The narrative of the show depicts a quest, by the RAW agents, to find a terrorist through an undercover operation that is thrilling, and dangerous. In search of this terrorist, Riyaz Pathan encounters a woman, named Divya, who is the doppelganger of another terrorist, and the lover of the terrorist known as Zaheed. Divya resembles Mariam, who was previously killed in an operation that had been undertaken by the RAW agents, and is made to join this covert operation by Riyaz Pathan. She is trained by the agents in military, and guerrilla tactics so that she can assist in this operation to capture one of the most dangerous terrorists.

The capture of the terrorist, however, does not end the problems of the agents, rather it increases them. With the capture comes the unravelling of a greater scheme that poses a threat to the national security. The unravelling of this scheme compels the agents to face political complications, and the possibility of them being the cause for this national threat.

Moreover, questions of morality, and the fine line between protection, and execution are brought to the forefront of the narrative, making it more than a well-paced, and interesting thriller. As the agents deal with the grey areas within their duties, and attempt to navigate the political hurdles placed before them to uncover this scheme, the identity of Divya, and her motivations become increasingly suspect. Where does her allegiance lie? And is she who she says she is?

This series features a compelling political drama that incorporates theme of morality, and responsibility. It is a complex spy-thriller that is addicting, and will keep you guessing, and second-guessing. Its story begins in Mumbai, and continues in Srinagar, Delhi, and Nepal. So, if you’re interested in experiencing this thrilling, and marvellous web-debut by Apoorva Lakhia, then you should head on to the streaming platform, Voot.

Crackdown web-series season 2

The season 1 of the series shows a romance developing between Riyaz, and Divya in the midst of a dangerous operation. The progress of this relationship as well as, the ending of the series seems to be open-ended. Therefore, there may be a desire for a second season for the plot-threads to get tied up, and for the quest of the show to feel complete.

Although the official date of Crackdown web-series season 2 has not yet been released, it is anticipated to be available on the streaming platform Voot by the end of 2021. The end of Crackdown web-series season 1 seems to imply that there is more to come that will hopefully be shown in Crackdown web-series season 2.  


The Crackdown web-series is an Indian spy-thriller show that was a marvellous web debut of Apoorva Lakhia. Its narrative focussed on an undercover operation undertaken by RAW agents to capture a dangerous terrorist. Riyaz Pathan, one of the best agents within the story, meets Divya who looks exactly like Mariam, a terrorist that was killed in a RAW operation, and associated with terrorist Zaheed. Throughout the series, a conspiracy is slowly uncovered, along with suspicions on the identity, and motivations of Divya.

In the meanwhile, Riyaz has to confront whether or not he should be loyal to his morality, or his duties as a RAW agent protecting the security of his nation. Hopefully, this Crackdown web-series review could provide you with some insight on the show, and if you’re interested in watching it, you can find it on the streaming platform, Voot.

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