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Indian Diet Chart for 7 days to Loss Weight

Indian Diet Chart For Beginners

India is a land of many religions and cultures, each one known for its unique living style, culinary habitat, folklore, etc. What India is also known for is the 1000 types of sweets and junk food and roadside snacks that you will rarely find in another country, especially outside Asia. With these foods is also a matter of grave concern – the quality and composition of these foods, coupled with the sedentary lifestyle of individuals poses a high risk of obesity.

Given the situation, we are here to guide you with a diet plan for weight loss. This Indian diet chart for weight loss in 7 days is customized to suit a typical Indian’s need and is based on the Indian diet chart for weight loss.

Science Behind Weight Loss

Before we go through the essentials of the diet plan for weight loss, we must understand the science behind weight loss. The loss and gain of weight are directly proportional to the intake of your calories in the diet. Logically speaking, when you shed more calories than you eat every day, your body balances it by shedding calories. Calories are nothing but carbs – layers of fat.

So, calories burnt is equal to weight shed. However, a diet plan for weight loss cannot help if you stop consuming calories altogether – your body needs its nutrition, and this nutrition must be all around with a proper ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and starch.

So, in order to make the diet plan for weight loss success, one must also focus on burning calories through exercises like walking, running, jogging, swimming, etc. Now that it is clear that we must reduce calorie intake as well as burn calories, let us delve into the Indian diet chart for weight loss. This chart is cumulated with a lot of effort and research to make sure that it can be the best Indian diet chart for weight loss in 7 days.

Sample Diet Plan for Beginners

Please note that the following plan, the Indian diet chart for weight loss in 7 days is done through research and must be followed only under the supervision of a registered nutritionist or dietician.

Day 1:

Breakfast – 2 brown rice idlis with sambar

Lunch – Consume only vegetables and meals cooked from olive oil. 2 whole-grain Rotis with mixed-vegetable curry with one dal.

Snacks – 1/2 bowl of berries

Dinner – Jowar roti with low-fat paneer sabzi (max 2 Rotis)

Eat a bowl of fruits, or yogurt, and dry fruits (1 glass) if you work out and feel de-energized post-workout. Drink a glass of warm lemonade pre-workout to maintain your stamina.

Day 2:

Breakfast – Paneer sandwich with mint chutney (made using wheat bread)

Lunch – Chickpea curry with brown rice (For non-vegetarians) / Brown rice with dal (for vegetarians)

Snacks – 1 glass masala buttermilk

Dinner – 2 bowls of brown rice with dal and non-green vegetables.

Eat a bowl of fruits, or yogurt, and dry fruits (1 glass) if you work out and feel de-energized post-workout. Drink a glass of warm lemonade pre-workout to maintain your stamina.

Day 3:

Breakfast – ½ bowl of sliced muskmelon, 4 pieces of non-salted cashew nuts.

Lunch – Whole-grain rotis (2) with any green leafy vegetable of your choice.

Snacks – 1 cup of watermelon/few assorted berries

Dinner – salad, 2 chapatis with one vegetable. Keep away from bananas the entire day.

Eat a bowl of fruits, or yogurt, and dry fruits (1 glass) if you work out and feel de-energized post-workout. Drink a glass of warm lemonade pre-workout to maintain your stamina.

Day 4:

Breakfast – Oats with milk (No added sugar or any other sweetener)

Lunch – 1 Whole-grain roti with vegetable sabzi/ Dal with veg or non-veg sabzi and brown rice

Snacks – 1 banana

Dinner – ½ cup sautéed vegetables with 1 bowl of brown rice

Eat a bowl of fruits, or yogurt, and dry fruits (1 glass) if you work out and feel de-energized post-workout. Drink a glass of warm lemonade pre-workout to maintain your stamina.

Day 5:

Breakfast – 1 pear or guava

Lunch – 2 whole-grain Rotis with mixed-vegetable curry with one dal.

Snacks – 1 banana

Dinner – 2 chapatis with any homecooked pulses

Eat a bowl of fruits, or yogurt, and dry fruits (1 glass) if you work out and feel de-energized post-workout. Drink a glass of warm lemonade pre-workout to maintain your stamina.

Day 6:

Breakfast – 2 tomatoes and 1 glass of milk

Lunch – one pear and one apple

Snacks – yogurt with dry fruits

Dinner – brown rice with dal (1 bowl)

Eat a bowl of fruits, or yogurt, and dry fruits (1 glass) if you work out and feel de-energized post-workout. Drink a glass of warm lemonade pre-workout to maintain your stamina.

Give yourself a pat on the back if you’ve followed this for six days, there’s just one more day to go and you will officially be in the dieting regime for a whole week! Moving to the diet plan for weight loss for the last day of the week, now.

Day 7:

Breakfast – one glass of carrot or beetroot juice

Lunch – Milkshake (2 bananas + 1 glass of milk + a dash of cocoa powder)

Snacks – 1 glass buttermilk

Dinner – salad, 2 chapatis with one vegetable. Keep away from rice the entire day.

Eat a bowl of fruits, or yogurt, and dry fruits (1 glass) if you work out and feel de-energized post-workout. Drink a glass of warm lemonade pre-workout to maintain your stamina.

That concludes your diet plan for weight loss. But remember: dieting takes time and dedication; be patient and you will see the results. Do you think this is helpful? Do you think there can be some changes to this Indian diet chart for weight loss in 7 days? If so, do let us know down below in the comments section.

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