Best Green Tea in the Market

As we are looking forward to a healthy future after the present health calamity of COVID-19 subsides, now is when is the best time to drink green tea with many options such as Lipton and Patanjali green tea price well available in the Indian market.

In these days of modernization, humans have maligned the environment and our resources with chemicals and dirt. These substances have found their way into the food chain and, now, are acting as poisons to the overall well being of all the components of nature’s complex food network. Health refers to the physical, mental and emotional well being of an individual that leads to a well-formed bodily structured and this is endangered in present times.

Best Green Tea in the Market

With overall levels of exercise reduced in the body due to the rapid involvement and fascination of the youth with office desk jobs, this has only been proven to lead to lethal results in the near future. We have also started consuming processed food full of preservatives and sugars which is debasing the health condition in general.  This has led to an increased number of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hyper cholesterol and obesity in today’s community.

Nutrition and Health

Nutrition plays a key role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle for an individual along with exercise. Hence it is important that we indulge ourselves into healthy eating habits and adopt the ergonomic pieces of advice by the professionals who suggest to cut down on sugars, unhealthy fats, and to drink plenty of water and eat fibre.

Green Tea – the modern-day ‘Amrut’

Best Green Tea in the Market

Today, on social media we see that people are giving up the consumption of back tea and replacing it with green tea. Green tea is sometimes referred to as “amrut” or ‘the drink of longevity’ by some nutritionist.

Green tea is made from the leaves of plant Camelia senesis. The same plant is used to make oolong tea and black tea when it is harvested in a different season that causes it to undergo  (or not) a different level of oxidation. Green tea’s origin dates back to 618-907 A.D. in China. It was popularized during the rule of the Emperor Shennong.

How to make Green Tea?

If not brewed to perfection, green tea can taste too bitter to drink when is the best time to drink green tea is. Therefore, it is important that you make the perfect cup using Green Tea Bags, Loose-leaf Green Tea or Matcha Green Tea.

Green Tea Bags

Boil around 250 ml of water and let it cool down to around 79˚C  as using boiling water can burn the tea bag and make green tea bitter. Place the teabag in the cup. Use 1 teabag per cup and pour hot water over it.  Let the tea brew for 2 to 3 minutes and then remove the teabag. Don’t squeeze the teabag.

Loose Leaf Green Tea

Heat the water to around 77˚C to 80˚C. Put 1 teaspoon of loose-leaf green tea leaves in a teapot and add around a three-fourth cup or 180ml water to it. Leave it covered for 1 to 2 minutes and then serve using a strainer.

Matcha or powdered Green Tea

Bring one cup of water to boil around 82˚ to 88˚C. Place a strainer over the cup and add one teaspoon of green tea powder to it and push the powder into the cup using the back of a spoon. Add the boiled water to the cup and stir it well.

Green tea Caffeine content

 Even though it is difficult to measure the exact green tea caffeine content, it depends upon the type of green tea used, its brand and serving size. On average green tea caffeine content can range from 12mg to 75mg of caffeine. Matcha or other types of powdered Green tea caffeine content is even higher.

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea has high antioxidant content which makes it extremely beneficial for our health.  Some of the green tea benefits are listed below.

Improves brain function

Since it is a caffeinated beverage, it acts as a stimulant to the brain and makes us active mentally.  This improves various brain functions thus keeping our mood lifted and memory improved.

Improved immunity

Due to the presence of potent plant antioxidants or polyphenols, green tea benefits us by improving our immune system. It is found to kill influenza virus if consumed without milk.

Increased fat burning

Green tea is known to improve the metabolism rate of our system, thus, aiding in the fat-burning process.

Lowered Cancer Risk

Oxidative damage to the cells has been linked to cancer. Due to the high antioxidant content, green tea benefits us with cancer prevention.

Gives you fresh breath

New studies show that green tea benefits our oral hygiene by suppressing the growth of bacteria in our oral cavity and prevents bad breath.

Lower risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

Due to its high antioxidant content, green tea prevents the oxidation of bad cholesterol in our body, which is one of the reasons for various heart conditions.

When to Have Green Tea?

Best Green Tea in the Market

The best answer to when is the best time to drink green tea lies in your schedule and activities throughout the day. Following are some of the best times of the day to have green tea to give you its full green tea benefits.

Not too early in the morning

Having green tea on an empty stomach can have ill effects on the liver due to its high catechin content.

In between meals

Having green tea two hours prior to or after the meal can help in better digestion and iron absorption.

Before Bedtime

Having green tea two hours before bedtime can increase the metabolism post-dinner.

Before exercise

This aids in burning fat better and faster.

Best Green Tea options in Indian Market

Best Green Tea in the Market

Organic India   

Price INR 400

LaPlant Green Tea

Price INR 130

Himalaya Green Tea

Price INR 110

Lipton (available in multiple flavours)

Price INR120

Patanjali Green tea Price

INR 50

India is one of the nations at the top of the list of lifestyle diseases. So let’s do our best and take care of our health.

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