Email Marketing - The best way

Email marketing is a subset of Digital Marketing. Digital marketing is a broader term which includes a lot of virtual marketing techniques and tools to help a business grow and expand and therefore, reach a wider audience. Digital marketing also helps create an online presence for your business in the worldwide community. But email marketing is considered an important tool within the digital marketing arena to help businesses expand. Let’s dive into the basics of how email marketing works.

How does Email Marketing work?

Email Marketing - The best way

Before we learn how email marketing works with regards to growing your business, let us first understand what email marketing means. Email marketing is the process of targeting consumers and sending a commercial message via email. The aim behind this is to drive sales, create loyalty of consumers towards your product or service and communication with the consumer. It can be used to target a current or a potential customer and falls under the realms of direct marketing and is also one of the oldest forms of digital marketing.

How is E-mail Marketing done?

Email Marketing - The best way

Wondering how email marketing is done? To get started with, you need to follow these steps:

  • The first step is to acquire a database of email Ids of potential or current customers. The best way to do is to ask for the user’s details when they visit your website and make them opt to receive e-mails from your business.
  • The next step is to segregate this database into different categories like on the basis of demographics, location, stage of the consumer, acquired marketing channel, etc. This will help in sending emails which adhere to their particular need.
  • After this segregation, you will need to sign up for an email service provider (ESP) like MailChimp, Benchmark Email, Amazon Email Service, etc. These are specifically made to cater the marketing needs of businesses and help them grow by providing services like creating campaigns, their response, etc. which help in quality and healthy communication between your business and other interested parties like clients or partner firms.

These steps will help you in understanding how email marketing is done to make it work in favor of your business.

How helps E-mail Marketing your Business?

Email Marketing - The best way
  • One of the many reasons for how email marketing helps your business is that the frequency of checking emails is very high. A survey showed that 86% of professionals chose email as their favorite mode of communication.
  • The sender has total control over the message that they want to convey to their consumers which eliminates chances of misinterpretation.
  • Email marketing cuts the cost to a very large extent as far as marketing is concerned and hence, gives a better return on investment.
  • Since the consumers can be divided into different categories, it becomes easier to send targeted messages depending on the needs and the stage of the consumer.
  • Email marketing also overcomes the geographical barriers involved in the traditional marketing process and hence has a global reach.
  • It also offers the consumer a personalized experience and makes it easier for them to register complaints and queries with the business.

The best way to know how email marketing helps your business is to start using it to promote your business.

How E-mail Marketing can help SEO?

Every business is trying to opt for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as it is an easy cost-saving method to build a strong online presence. But you need to know the importance of how email marketing can help SEO efforts. The very first thing is that email marketing will drive qualified traffic to your website. What this means is that it will attract people who are potential consumers and who will actually increase your conversion rate. Another advantage is that due to the personalized experience provided to the user they will spend more time surfing through your website which can help increase your page time, session time and also decrease exit/bounce rates.

One thing you need to remember is that in order to complement email marketing with SEO, you need to have an email database that consists of prospective consumers. For that, remember never to buy email lists and do not send emails to non-subscribers. This will help in creating a good reputation for your business.

How E-mail Marketing is Effective?

In terms of effectiveness, email marketing has been found to be around forty times more influential than social media. The purchase rates are three times higher when done via emails than of the marketing done through social media. Due to the personalized and targeted experience it provides, it shows the customers that there interests and requirements matter to the business.

Another way how email marketing is effective is that the consumers satisfied by your services are more likely to engage on your website which will further enhance your SEO efforts. They are also likely to recommend it to their friends and families. Reaching a wide audience and therefore, increasing your customer base is how email marketing is effective in expanding your business or cause.

How E-mail Marketing makes Money?

Email Marketing - The best way

Everything in business comes down to making a profit and the answer to how email marketing makes money will help you decide if this the way you want to promote your business.

First thing’s first, email marketing can help you cut costs and save thousands on the promotion of your business. It can help you create an international client database without even stepping out of your workplace and can help in turning prospective consumers into active consumers without a lot of efforts. The only requirement is to cater to their interests and needs and there you go.

Complementing SEO with your email marketing campaign will help in progressing through the page rankings on the world wide web and the overall reputation of your company. As mentioned earlier, satisfied consumers will also help in driving sales and attracting more customers towards your business. Consumer to consumer recommendation can be very productive for any business, which is how email marketing makes money for your business.

If you’re looking to create or increase your business’s online presence, email marketing can be very effective in doing so and it’s the best to start out as it is cost-effective and readily available to use. It can also provide results in no time and help you understand the behavior of your consumers on a deeper level.

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