Banned Android Apps

After the invention of smart phones, development of software applications has skyrocketed. There are literally millions of apps out there available for smart phone users. Google bans apps which look suspicious, has potential malware and due to adware. For android smart phones these app pose a problem and so in order to reduce such devious invasions, Google has taken it upon itself to ban some specific apps. Due to the strict policies of Google, there have a lot of banned android apps from Playstore.

Ever wondered why you can’t find a particular app on your Google Play Store? The answer is because that app has been removed by Google to ensure safety of android smart phones and to protect them from potential threats and invasions of malware.

Let us look at the banned android apps list.

Ad – Away

Banned Android Apps

This app tops our banned android apps list. Do you get interrupted often while working on your smart phone by annoying pop – up messages? The main function of Ad – Away was to delete and prevent these irritating pops- up messages to appear on your screen while you are working. It works really well but after installing Ad – Away many users complained that their smart phone had slowed down and some important apps had even stopped working. Ad – Away was a little too effective. It blocked some helpful and beneficial advertisements too and so ultimately Google had to ban this app.

Tube Mate

Banned Android Apps

Doesn’t this app’s name sound weirdly similar to YouTube? I think you can guess easily now why this app has been added in our banned android apps list. This app enabled users to download videos from YouTube and some similar apps regardless of any size. This is one of the banned android apps because it promotes piracy and copies content. On such basis, Google had to take down this app.

Dood’s Music Streamer

Banned Android Apps

Dood’s Music Streamer caters to all those music enthusiasts out there. It enables individuals to stream latest music albums all free of cost with good audio quality. If you stream songs from this app, you will not have to pay premium for apps like spotify etc. Google put this under banned android apps as it reportedly disagreed with some of the terms and conditions. 


Banned Android Apps

DroidSheep is included in our banned android apps list as it involves hacking. Hacking is one of the most intolerable offences in cyber security as it breaches and violates an individual’s privacy. Seeing that, Google banned this app.

TV Portal

TV Portal is quite a famous app as it streams almost all TV Shows and movies from famous OTT platforms. It is added in our banned android app lists because it was taken down by Google due to copyrights issues. I must say that this app did provide good facilities with commendable audio and visual facility. This is one of the banned android apps as it caters to torrents and Google took it down from Play Store.

Popcorn Time

Banned Android Apps

Popcorn Time is an app that lets its users have access to unlimited movies and TV shows. It is based on a torrent foundation and that is probably the reason why Google took it down and labeled it as banned apps for androids.


Banned Android Apps

We all are aware of torrents and how one can easily download movies and series from torrents. Transdroid is an app that provided support to all torrent servers.

Humble Bumble

There are many apps that offer expensive games at a subsidized rate to users. Humble Bumble is one such app that provided paid games at extremely low cost. Google took it down soon and it got labeled as banned apps for android.

Sarahah Messaging App

If you are an Instagram user then you must be aware how everyone was just outing this link on their bios asking their followers to text them something about themselves anonymously? It was such a craze to use Sarahah Messaging App a couple of years back. Everyone was raving about this app because of the unperturbed anonymity it allowed to the users. Google must have seen this unique facility as a threat to cyber security and wasted no time to take this app down and put it under banned apps for androids label.


Banned Android Apps

This app is truly the most amazing app. It offers free streaming of movies and TV shows. What is so amazing about this? Lots of apps provide that facility. Wait hear me out. It provides free streaming of movies and TV shows without advertisements! Yes, you can easily watch movies that you have been dying to free and without any interruptions of annoying ads. Unfortunately this app could not meet with Google’s terms and conditions and soon it was taken down from Play Store and so it found its way to our list of banned android apps.

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