Gaming and recreation have always been an important part of life. Without fun and enjoyment, no human can survive. Gaming in today’s generation has been reached to another level of thrill and adventure. Minecraft is one such game of today’s time that completely changes the way we play video games. Minecraft is 2011 generated video game and it is a sandbox game in which a person can use his creativity and tricks to reach the end.
Mojang Studios present this Markus Notch’s creation under java programming. It was created for Pcs and computers as a public alpha but it can be played on various platforms and become one of the most sold video game in 2020.
The Minecraft game, one of the most famous games of all time presents 3D design objects which include tools, cubes cuboids, etc. There are no goals in the game to be fulfilled, players just have lots of freedom and can achieve many rewards. The game is set in a 3D World with rugged land and the work of the player is to build various structures using tools and blocks and various raw material.
The game requires the player to fight against the mobs and to kill them or just cooperate with them and achieve a lot of resources. There are different mobs in the game such as survival mode in which player has to save his life and earn a lot of health by earning materials. In creative mode, players are given various materials and given the freedom to play the game using their creativity and tricks. There are also the hard-core mode and spectator mode in the game.
What are Mobs in Minecraft?
Mobs in Minecraft are all the items and objects that can move or mobile. Each mob in the game has its features and functions. Some can move only during the night while others only during day time. Some friendly and happy mobs are called critters. These include cow, horses, rabbits, etc., are some of the mobs in Minecraft. There are some mobs which are called monsters.
Neutral mobs are the one that will not attack or hit the player unless the play hits them. These mobiles items are used in the Minecraft and the work of the player is to kill these mobs and to kill all entities including other players, to reach their goal and achieve high rewards.
How to Kill Mobs in Minecraft?
Minecraft is a single-player as well as a multiplayer game, in which a player has a choice to play alone or to invite others to play with them. By using commands and cheat, it will become easy to kill all mobs in Minecraft. Cheats and tricks in the Minecraft give the player the God-like power while playing the game. Cheats in Minecraft help to kill all enemies and collect more and more metal in the game. To kill all the entities in the Minecraft following cheats are used.
Before using cheats, the game will ask whether the player wants to use cheats or not, the player has to send yes by the “C” key. Then a player can use cheats and tricks.
- To kill a player press /kill and type another player name to enter in the game in the command box.
- To demand help type /help in the command box
- To give objects especially stackable and single objects press /give.
- To transport the player to other location use /tp, that means target player.
- To bring calamities like snow, rain or thunderstorms use /weather.
- To change a mode to creative move in which the player has much freedom to use his creativity to kill the mob, press /game mode creative in the command box.
- To change the mode to survivor mode in which monsters attack the player, use /game mode survival.
- To set time means at which time of the day the player want to the player, use /time set 1000 for the daytime time, /set time 0 for sunset time, /set time6000 to set midday time, /set time 12000 for sunrise time, and /set time 18000 for getting game during night time.
- To change the difficulty level of the use /difficulty, /easy, /normal, forgetting the type of difficulty the player want.
- To keep items save that were collected before dying in the game use /game rule keep inventory.
- To raise the water level of the world use /Atlantis.
- To do mining in just one click use /instant mine.
- To freeze mobs use /freeze.
- To open or close the fall damage use /fall damage.
- To use and close or open the fire damage use /fire damage.
- To give water damage to the mobs to kill the mob use /waterdamage
- To change all the items to their smelting form use /superheat.
- To store all collected items use /dropstore.
- To safeguard weapons against any damage use /itemdamage.
- To get the duplicate copies of the items collected to stockpile them use /duplicate.
Reviews on The Minecraft Game
One of the greatest and the most successful video game of today’s time, Minecraft present a new form of the game in which player does not have to ordinarily form castles or buildings, rather they have to form world according to themselves and by using their creativity. Unlike ordinary video games, it does not have any fiction story or characters that create a dramatic setting, rather it gives the player chance to form a world of blocks that are 3D objects and give a lot of freedom to its players.
It gains a lot of love from its audience for its level of thrill, adventure and unlimited fun. It was declared as the best game for Pcs. Among parents and kids, it gains a lot of love and attention and become one of the most sold video game of today’s time.
[…] in the games’ world, still, some issues and errors often occur in these video games. Minecraft is one such example of the highly techy […]
[…] games have changed the perspective of fun and enthusiasm completely. One such video sandbox game is Minecraft, one of the best-selling game of the century. It was released by Mojang studios in 2011. Its owner […]